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三十歲的艾麗絲,是公司裡有名的機器人女孩-這可不是誇獎,一貫的生活作息,如同一台設定好程式的機器,冷漠沒有人性!但是實際上,以前的艾麗絲並不是這個樣子的... 十七歲的艾麗絲,是朋友口中的垃圾車女孩,願意消化朋友的負面情緒,只要哼唱『給愛麗絲』,人型垃圾車艾麗絲就會出現給你救贖。美好的青春,超級要好的閨蜜,還有剛萌芽的純純戀情……但一切美好,卻在一場誤會之後,軋然而止,從此,艾麗絲封閉了心門... 當艾麗絲手術醒來,驚覺自己怎麼一覺醒來竟變成三十歲?!原來,她的記憶竟回到了十七歲!當她急急忙忙找青春期的閨蜜求援,卻發現當年的閨蜜早就絕交,老死不相往來!才知道這十三年來,自己變成超級冷血、顧人怨的機器人女孩!叫天天不應、叫地地不靈,這時,到底能靠誰?三十歲的自己,卻遇上十七歲的靈魂,發現歸零的不只是社會歷練,還有十三年的友誼和愛情... 找尋被遺忘的決裂理由,重新面對當年沒有結果的初戀... 所以,祈禱吧艾麗絲,祈禱能有改變命運、挽回遺憾的第二次機會! |
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June 11, 2016
HHY likes ALS so much but unfortunately she is only 17 in the mind!!
Looks like Peter is seriously jealous of HHY and ALS. Peter knows of something about ALS that he has kept a secret??
What exactly is he hao yi’s job lol does he ever work
too bad drama
love this drama & all the cast
TBH this drama started out well but i started losing interest the second that decided to put the memory loss plot in, it just feels soo draggy to watch them go around in circles. Ai Li Shi becoming “17 years old” again isn’t helping their situation any more than if they let her keep her memory. I feel like all the episodes where she’s “17” are just a waste because the real development will only come when she regains her memory and also i’m actually rooting for peter but looks like the script writers aren’t gonna give that to us
Yeah agreed, the show went downhill the moment that she lost her memory. I actually like the cinematography of this show and its soundtrack. The instrumental background music is very appropriate for nostalgia and the feel of “what would have been”. But the odd plot (or lack thereof) is distracting to me and I find myself fast forwarding this one quite a bit. I really hope she regains her memory because I want to see her real 30 year old steely and cold character again and how He Haoyi tries to court her. I also want to know the real reason why she transferred schools. Honestly, he’s just not been very convincing to me. He seems overly opportunistic since she lost her memory.
why do i feel like this ep got so many cut scene? from here suddenly change to another scene, what happened??
yeah same
I don’t think it’s the episode. It’s the source. If you try websites with english sub there’s no sudden cuts like this one
ya its the source problem. i already tried in other website already. btw, thank you
this show is seriously a sleepfest :/
don’t tell me Alice was gang raped by those school boys 13 years ago while waiting for her ‘best friend’ to show up?
if thats the case thts horrible ..because they drank the wine?
judging from her reaction doesnt look like tht though
i got the feeling is like that
Like Peter more then the other guy. Hope they could be together but don’t think it will end up that way. Because it’s a typical Taiwanese drama story line.
hehe love peter too
but peter can end up with lei lei its fine 😀