Love For All The Moments (愛情ATM) Episode 05

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3 thoughts on “Love For All The Moments (愛情ATM) Episode 05

  1. I truly believe nowadays
    there is no accidental pregnancy for a well-educated level-headed adult (except for
    some unfortunate mishaps or rare occasional preventive measure failure). Whenever I hear some celebrity decides to get married
    sorely because his girlfriend or herself got pregnant “by accident”, I just think
    here comes
    another irresponsible parent. Since the boyfriend is eager to get married
    and has family, it should be a pleasant surprise and not an accident to him, so
    she really has no one but herself to blame for such situation.
    As for the male and female leads, I really can’t relate to them at all, so simply skip their parts all together.

    • irresponsible parents that’s right!
      BTW it shows SIX (6) pregnancy test sticks in the garbage can in Part 5 at 0:30. How can one turn on and off her pee 6 times in a roll, and still have enough each time to soak the strips?

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